Stan Warford

J. Stanley Warford
Professor of Computer Science
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA 90263
Email: Message to Warford

Seaver College Faculty Profile.

Fall 2023 Courses

Math 220, Formal Methods
CoSc 320, Data Structures
CoSc 330, Computer Systems

Philosophical Essays and Reports

My Howard A. White award Statement of Teaching Philosophy.
An essay about the Christian and war.
An essay about why I am a libertarian.
An essay about the rank, tenure, and promotion process.
An essay about computer science and the liberal arts.
General Studies at Seaver College, 1990-1992: Assessment and Recommendations
General Studies at Seaver College, 1990-1992: Appendix

Publication Links

A Calculational Deductive System for Linear Temporal Logic, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 53, No. 3, June 2020.
Tooma Foundation acknowledgement letter.

Computer Systems
Book page for downloads and resources.
Book page for fifth edition at the publisher's site.
Book page for fourth edition at
Book page for fifth edition at

Computing Fundamentals
Book page at
Online copy.

The Pep/8 Memory Tracer: Visualizing Activation Records on the Run-Time Stack
Pep8CPU: A Programmable Simulator for a Central Processing Unit
BlackBox: A New Object-Oriented Framework for CS1/CS2
An Experience Teaching Formal Methods in Discrete Mathematics
Good Pedagogical Random Number Generators
Introductory Computer Science: The Case for a Unified View

Research with Undergraduates
A Quadrotomy for Partial Orders
Pep9Micro: A Microcoded CPU Implementation
BaciBeans: A NetBeans Plugin for Concurrent Programs

Book Review
A Logical Approach to Discrete Math

Course Lectures

Six of my courses are posted on YouTube:

Math 220, Formal Methods
Math 221, Discrete Structures
CoSc 320, Data Structures
CoSc 330, Computer Systems
CoSc 425, Computer Organization
CoSc 450, Programming Paradigms

The following link is the Case Study report for a grant that funded part of the project.
Pepperdine Computer Science Courses on iTunes U

The following links are two tutorial videos on how to use Final Cut Pro X to create the iTunes U lecture movies. They show techniques for integrating lecture slides and demos into the movies.

Personal Links: Libertarianism

I first learned about the Libertarian philosophy by following a personal link from an individual who was supplying information about a totally unrelated subject. Perhaps these links will introduce you to Libertarianism in the same way.

Most people come to Libertarianism from a Conservative/Republican background. A minority come from a Liberal/Democratic background, as I did. In either case, you should investigate Libertarianism, which takes the best from both ends of the political spectrum -- tolerance, civil liberties, and non-intervention from the traditional left and free-market economics from the traditional right. Libertarianism is not, however, a thoughtless conglomeration of beliefs. It has consistent philosophical roots, but at the same time has practical implications for how society ought to be ordered.

Libertarianism is based on the Nonagression Principle: No one may initiate physical violence or the threat of physical violence against the person or property of anyone else. In other words, everyone has the absolute right to be free from aggression. Libertarianism differs from other political philosophies because it applies the Nonagression Principle to all individuals and groups of individuals equally, including the group of individuals that comprise state governments.

Daily commentary: Lew Rockwell
Economics: Ludwig von Mises Institute
Economic education: Foundation for Economic Education
Classic treatise: For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto (audio)
Morality: The Ethics of Liberty (audio)
Champion: Frédéric Bastiat
Champion: Lysander Spooner
Freedom: The Future of Freedom Foundation
Property and freedom: The Property & Freedom Society
Public policy: The Independent Institute
Public policy: Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Public policy: Education: Free and Compulsory
Small government: Downsize DC
Spontaneous order: I, Pencil (the movie)
Austrian Economic introduction: Economics in One Lesson
Austrian Economic treatise: Man, Economy, and State (audio)
Austrian Economic education: Tom Woods's Learn Austrian Economics
Praxeology: The PraxGirl's Praxeology TV
Money: The Case Against the Fed (audio)
Money: What Has Government Done to Our Money? (audio)
Cryptocurrency: Dash - Digital Cash
Depressions: Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure (audio)
Market anarchism: Molinari Institute
War and peace:
War and peace: Scott Horton's Radio Shows
Politics: The Libertarian Party
State nullification: The 10th Amendment Center
The law: Institute for Justice
The war on drugs: Marijuana Policy Project
Christian nonviolence: Center for Christian Nonviolence
Animated presentation: By Jonathan Gullible