Computer Systems, 5th Edition
Lecture videos
CoSc 330
Lecture 1:
Levels of Abstraction
Lecture 2:
Digital Information, C
Lecture 3:
Lecture 4:
Signed and Unsigned Integers
Lecture 5:
Binary Operations
Lecture 6:
Character and Machine Instruction Representations
Lecture 7:
Direct Addressing, the von Neumann Cycle
Lecture 8:
Programming at Level ISA3
Lecture 9:
Decimal to ASCII, Self-Modifying Programs
Lecture 10:
Assembly Language
Lecture 11:
Immediate Addressing, Trap Instructions
Lecture 12:
Level OS4
Lecture 13:
Global Variables, Assignment Statements
Lecture 14:
Constants, Language Syntax
Lecture 15:
Lecture 16:
Finite State Machines
Lecture 17:
Multiple Token Recognizers
Lecture 18:
FSM Implementation Techniques
Lecture 19:
Lexical Analysis, 1
Lecture 20:
Lexical Analysis, 2
Lecture 21:
Lexical Analysis, 3
Lecture 22:
Lexical Project, Java Maps
Lecture 23:
Java Maps, Review
Lecture 24:
Parsing Principles, 1
Lecture 25:
Stack-Relative Addressing, Local Variables
Lecture 26:
Translating If Statements and Loops
Lecture 27:
Translating Function Calls
Lecture 28:
Translating Call-By-Value Parameters
Lecture 29:
Parsing Principles, 2
Lecture 30:
Parsing Principles, 3
Lecture 31:
Translating Non-void Function Calls
Lecture 32:
Translating Call-by-Reference Parameters
Lecture 33:
Code Generation Principles
Lecture 34:
Translating Global and Local Arrays
Lecture 35:
Translating Switch Statements
Lecture 36:
Translating Global and Local Pointers
Lecture 37:
Translating Linked Data Structures
Lecture 38: